ITS Troupe 7610

The International Thespian Society has been honoring excellence in the work of theatre students since 1929. Thespian troupes serve students in grades nine through twelve. There are at present active ITS troupes in more than 3,900 high schools and middle schools, mostly in the United States and Canada. The Society recently inducted its two millionth Thespian. 

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President - Cameron Carnes

Vice President - Gabriella Lisbon

Secretary - Devan Chadha

Treasurer - Audrianna Castro

Master of Webs - Sebastian Mendoza

Clerk - Lilianna Sundet

Community Inclusions - Ryan Martsi

Social Media Chair - Alexis Smith-Cooper

Script Chair - Daniel Guzman

Special Events Chair - Kate Seabrook

Carnegie Theatre Co. creates living, candid art. We engage artists and audiences in imaginative reflection on the complexities of contemporary life. Through bold, unique, and well-crafted productions, we represent a range of voices, viewpoints, and styles.

Carnegie Theatre Company | 1501 Taft Street Houston, TX 77019, United States